Links for the week

Posted on 17 February 2013 by Nick Boyce

And a quote on branding:

The consumer now appears to believe that the brand should earn its public attention the way all of us must. Say boring, repetitive stuff and you suffer the punishment that every bad conversationalist faces. First, we ignore you. Then, we exclude you.

Grant McCracken in the Harvard Business Review.

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Links for the week

Posted on 10 February 2013 by Nick Boyce

It’s been a busy week for the tech team at Easyart this week (more on that later), but I’ve got a backlog of some interesting links in my Evernote that I want to share.

And this quote from Justin Kan’s article Experienced Hires Will Save You From Yourself:

My general rule of thumb at Exec has been that as a founder, you should do the first version of everything yourself. Build the first product, test the first sales channels. By doing things yourself, you can quickly discover if they will pay dividends (or if it is time to move on to the next experiment). Once you discover something worth doing, then hire a professional to come in and clean up the mess you’ve made.

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Mobile continues to grow

Posted on 03 February 2013 by Nick Boyce

Looking back some of our metrics for for 2012, this one stood out:

92% more mobile transactions YOY

Coupled with our responsive design and performance improvements (like improving our average page speed by 40%), we’ve also increased our mobile conversion rate significantly over 2012 and hope to see that trend continue in 2013.

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Links This Week

Posted on 26 January 2013 by Nick Boyce

Here’s some things that popped up on my radar this week:

I’ve also been making my way through some of the talks from last year’s Bacon conference. The three I have watched so far have all been top-notch:

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