Links - week 46

Posted on 22 November 2012 by Nick Boyce. Find me on Google+

Outside of the madness that is Christmas season at Easyart Towers, here are a few nuggets I’ve enjoyed on the interwebs this week.

  1. The animated and excitable Addy Osmani’s talk on The New And Improved Developer Toolbelt from Fronteers 2012 outlines some interesting tools for modern front end development, but I don’t see us using Yoeman anytime soon (it’s too magic!).
  2. I’d seen this one before, and perhaps I am using it as a cheatsheet for his book that I haven’t quite finished reading yet, but Dan Pink’s TED lecture on the mismatch between what science knows about motivation and what business does is utterly fascinating.
  3. Some useful links in The Web engineer’s online toolbox that I’ll be sure to come back to
  4. Another one I re-read is The evolution of SoundCloud’s architecture as it’s relevant to some thinking I am doing at the moment.
  5. I’m really excited about what’s happening at GDS. It seems impossibly progressive for a government to assemble a really clever group of designers and (Ruby) developers to build a new integrated web platform, and to make the whole thing open source and on Github!
  6. I could almost see this list of Useful Talks And Videos From Web Design Conferences replacing TV for me for a while, if only by Boxee would switch back on!
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